Thursday, September 28, 2006

30th Post

30 posts ALREADY! September 28th, 2006. I officially had my first post nearly 2 months ago. (August 2006) Chambers was bragging about his 30th post a while ago. Well, he's been blogging since March. Yeah, little bit of a difference there. And another thing with Chambers, I already have more profile veiws than he does. I am probably going to catch up with Lee in about 2 months, maybe sooner (posts wise). Well, since the playoffs are right here for baseball, I am going to make my predictions for this year and next year.
Nomar: Come back player of the year, NL
NL MVP: Ryan Howard
AL MVP: Sadly, Derek Jeter
AL Batting Champ: Derek Jeter
NL Batting Champ: Freddy Sanchez
WORLD SERIES: Tigers and Mets
Champs: Mets in 6 games (congrats Volz)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Stating the Facts

God, I have now have had to edit this thing three times. Alright, the gang have been arguing about how had the first post. I, Michard, am here to settle it. We will never really know (for a least a little while) who did the first post. Waldo is claming that he did it before Alex did. He sounded very confident that it was on the 14th, but after reading Pat's blog, he said it could have been on the 14th of March. Well, I could have been right. I origionally said that Alex, the worst blogger out of all of us, had the first post. I think he did. Alex did a post on the 14th, W. says he might have. I think it is Alex. And by the way, Pat claims he had the very first post, but really, he posted on the 28th, two weeks after the first post. Pat you are an idiot. Do not believe anything you hear form Pat because it is either wrong or dumb. There. That's that. Stop arguing please. We are not having another war over something stupid like this.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

One thing

One quick thing for today, I didn't surrender in the blog war. Do not believe Big Lee on that one, we all know he's a little off his rocker, (a couple sandwiches short of a picnic if you know what I mean.) By the way Lee, when you read this, don't flip out. One, I'm not counting this as a post, so this wont count towards my total number (28.) I know you really get mad when I do "small posts" and actually count them. Two, I don't want to start another war with that comment, I'm all about peace now.

Fantasy Football Week 3

Well, I have some good news, and some bad news. The good news is that, one, I am still 3-0 in both of my leagues. Also, we are finally getting the third league set up. This one has me, W, Chambers, Liam, Patty, and one of W's brothers. I'm not to sure if it is Joe or if it's Robbie. But now for the bad news, I dropped to second in the ESPN league. I have 552 points, and the first place team has 588.
But now for Yahoo. This week was actually exciting. I went in knowing I was going to win because the other team (nat) had three people that were a bye that week. So, Monday, I get up, check how much points I was up by, and I was shocked. I was down .18 points. I couldn't believe it. All of my players had done horrible and Nat's had done well. I had one hope for me to get those .18 points, and that was Warrick Dunn, (Running Back, ATL Falcons.) He was the only player for either side that was playing Monday night. So this morning I woke up and checked the score, and.....Warrick Dunn got 2 points! That still is an awful #, but I'll take the win. I am now the only undefeated team in the whole league. Unfortunately, I'm going to lose this week because I have three byes on my team. If you want, check them all.....
By the way, the football at the top, autographed by Mike Ditka, ex coach of Da Bears

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Four Brothers

I saw Four Brothers today, Sunday, and I thought it was awesome. I origianlly wanted to see Flight 93, but little Mich didn't want to. Welll, I am glad he picked this one.

Michard's thoughts on Four Brothers:

Once again, an awesome movie. The cast, (Mark Whalberg, Tyrese Gibson, Andre Benjamin, and Garrett Hedlund) were perfect. I saw Invincible with Mark, and I think he was as good or better in this movie. Honestly, he is becoming one of my favorite actors. The other cast was excellent too.

This movie is aobut four brothers that were adpoted by Elevan Mercer. She was well known in the community as one of the kindest people there ever was. She was constanly helping kids with problems like stealing and all that. This takes place in rough Detroit, were shootings and gangs are a common thing, (just like in Bow, NH.) They come home for the funneral and Bobby (Mark W) decides that they should find the killer and take him down. Andre Benjamin (Jerramiah, also from Outkast,) doesn't really like the idea but Jack and Angel both are up for it. Bobbly, Angel and Jack all go and catch up with a couple of people, and find out that a dirty cop and Victor Sweet are the ones that are behind all of this. After a shootout in which Jack dies, they get a plan to take out Vic and the cop. They do after some minor struggles and end up killing Vic and having the cop arrested. Overall I'd give this movie at least and A-.

Oh, and by the way, the War is dead. It's over, Big Lee needs to update his blog.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Blog War, Unofficially Over

Alright, well just a little while ago, the blog war started all with one little post about how my blog was better than Big Lee's. Exactly 8 posts later, it is unofficially over. That's right, Chambers has threw in the towel, and given up all hope. Lee and Patty are still likely to draw more pictures of him, or post about him, but Chambers has given up. Well, before this thing is officially over, I would like to get my 2 cents worth. That's right, for the first time in this war, I am talkin smack to Lee.

Big Lee is so big, whenever he walks into a restaurant, the waiter hands him a menu, and he says "Okay."
He is so big, he sat on a Gamecube and made it a gameboy
Liam is so big, he stepped on a dollar and made change.
So big, that this idea of exercise is running from the fridge to the bathroom.
Lee is so Big, he put on elevator shoes and two steps later, they turned into flip flops.

That's just a little something to stick up for Chambers Lee. Don't take it personal, these could have been done, and would have fit better, if I did them about Chambers. Just a little laugh.

Anyway, back to the war. That was really dumb. I should have just quit from the beginning if I had know that is was going to be like this. That was just plain stupid. I should have quit, but, whatever, doesn't really matter now.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Post 25 brings Upsetting News

Well, this one is post 25, the silver anniversary. But this one doesn't bring good news at all. Oh no. Instead it brings even more upsetting news on the blog war. Today, without notice, John G. Chambers decided an agreement to surrender and be done with the blog war. Fortunatley, his request was denied. His terms were apparently too high for Liam, I'm not sure if they were too high for Pat because he did not leave a comment.
I was absolutely blown away by this. Here was the person that was actually stratagizing about this blog war was acctually planning to surrender this early. I was shocked, here's what my comment looked like....

Chambers you fricking idiot! You surrender already?! What the hell? I'm in charge of the Sick Nasty Side and you don't even tell me about this surrender? What Gives?! Dude, at least post a comment or something and let me know about this. We, yes we, I am probably going to start going negative now that I know that there is a chance of surrender, are going to win. Don't give up, that is the last thing I want to happen. Don't wuss out, it just started. Come on Chombers. Pal we're in this thing together, and I've had to stick up for you a lot through this thing, I'm not about to give up and you aren't either. You are tired of getting made fun of...Frankly my dear friend, I Don't Give A Damn. You are staying in this war untill I say otherwise.
Your teammate through thick and thin,
5:15 PM

Yeah, I was pissed/suprised. He later said that he wanted out beacause he was getting made fun of a lot. Well, I'm not exactly happy about this either. Suck it up I say, they are words, they only sting if you let them, they only hurt if you think that they do. Come on, stick it out.
But right after the post about surrendering, he decided to post about Big Lee. He stated two racist jokes about women that Lee allegedly said. I'm not sure if these were really said, but if they were, I am very suprised about Lee. I could say something about Liam right now, but I'll hold my tounge, for now.

My take on Blog War One

Liam, this is what I think today. The blog war just keeps getting crazier and crazier. Blog War One? Wow. There were some pretty big scuffles between you and a lot of other people in the past, but I totally agree, this one by far blows them all away. W trying to play peacekeeper, Patty trying to recruit Alex, Chambers trying to plan out a strategy over this whole thing, it's all crazy.

By the way, I don't know if anybody has noticed, but I am the only one that is yet to go negative, besides Patty but he doesn't post.....Well.....At all. Even his teammate made fun of him for this. Again, I post every day or every two days, Patty usually posts every two months. There have been some times where Pat has said he was going to post, but has he yet, nope. All in all, Chambers even has a better blog than he does because he posts pretty regularly. By the way this isn't going negative, it's just making a point.

So, Blog War One is officially underway.

Another interesting comment about this little war, if W does get involved in this thing, then it will be a world war, I don't really know why no one noticed that, but I'm throwing it out there. Honestly, I hope he makes the right move and joins with me and Chambers.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Big Lee keeps going at it

This whole thing is crazy. I don't know why I'm still doing this whole war thing, but now it's just getting totally out of hand. Liam and Pat are now trying to convince Alex and W to join his side in the war. Oh, and one more thing, don't believe what they say, it's Liberal Propaganda. They both are now saying that Chambers doesn't like Jaffe, a kid at our school, because he's Jewish. This led to Chambers grabbing Big Lee's shirt and threatening to hit him. Lee said that he did that because he is Irish. Do not believe the Chambers hates Jews and Irish or any other crap they might say. By the way, this is my 23rd post, already I have half as many as Lee does, and almost as many profile veiws as Chambers or Patty.

More News on the Blog War

Wow, I thought that I stirred up a little something with the whole idea of a blog feud, that later turned into a blog war, but it was more serious than I thought. Chambers is also in the war, and is apparently on my side. He is actually really pumped about this whole thing. His most recent post has a picture of an army and an explosion stating that anyone who doesn't join his side in the war is gay. Wow, who knew with one post I could make all this? What the hell, for the sake of Chambers, I'm back in the war.
By the way, the first "shots" of the war were fired yesterday, and guess who they were aimed at, Chambers. Big Lee posted a picture of him "hangin" with the president. The photo is awful and looks so much like it's been fooled around with. A picture of that is at the top, (don't think I did this to my "ally".)
Unfoutunately, Chambers wasn't really happy about this, and posted about how Liam and Patty Scanlin, (Liam's ally in the war) are both gay. I'm guessing that this is going to comeback and bite him right in the ass. Not a real smart move big guy, but oh well, it wasn't me.
I'm not getting wicked into this though and putting up pictures of armies and stuff like that...Just so everyone knows

Monday, September 18, 2006

20th Post

Awesome! I have my 20th post in the bag. On this one, I have something important to blog about....The season premier of one of the better shows on TV. Deal or No Deal. This is an awesome show. Last year it was wicked good, and the season opener was good also. I kind of missed some due to homework, but when I finished and came down, a black dude was the on the show, and he started out pretty strong. He worked his way up to a $130,000ish deal, he refused, and knocked out the $400,000 and $500,000 cases. After that, it was all downhill. Then he knocked off the million dollar case and the offer went much lower, to $30,000. Yeah, el oucho. But, he came back, did one no deal, and then took $56,000, and then it turns out that his case had $200,000. Even more oucho.
Next, a big, fat, cocky guy came on. He was a laugh, but he did pretty good. I only got to stay up for that long, after I went to bed early, but all in all, still a good show.

Fantasy Football Week 2

Okay, time for my weekly fantasy update. Now, as you've read last week, I was in first place in both of my leagues, (still having trouble setting up the 3rd one,) and this week...I still am. I have the most wins, and the most points in both of them. In my Yahoo! league, I am in first with 184 points, and In my ESPN, I am in first with 386 points. I can't say I expected this at all. I thought it was wicked cool that I was in first place for the first week, but I didn't think I could still be in first. I am playing two push over teams in both of my leagues, so I should be 3-0 and have the most points in both by next Tuesday. Hoorah!
(Post Number 24, already have more than 1/2 as many posts as Big Lee does and almost as many profile veiws as Chambers.)

Blog Feud turns into blog war

Chambers on the right...Unfortunately, no pic of Patty available.

Alright, I think that I stirred up WAY to much controversy with my recent post all about Big Lee's blog. The very next day, I find out that Chambers has taken my side in the blog war going on between me and Liam. When the hell did this become a war?! I just did it for a laugh, and I don't think that Liam took it too hard, but then I found out that Patricia Scanlin took Liam's side in the war, and is planning to just dis Chambers for the whole thing. Look, I'm glad I stirred up a little something, but that is really really stupid, a blog war? Come on. That's ridiculous. If it really does escalate to a war, I'm dropping out, it's stupid, and I don't want Chambers to blow up from getting made fun of too much by Pat and Big Lee
I didn't get a chance to talk to Big Lee about this, but he did leave a comment. This was what he had to say.
ITS ON MICHARD!!!Let me respond to a couple of your points...
1. I never said Elvis was still alive. If you look at my comment, I said Elvis was dead.
2. I may go a little while between posts, but I make sure that the one's I do are top notch. None of this "Little Error" stuff you do. That is not a post. And I have been blogging much longer than you have. I am a Blog Veteran, you are a mere rookie... RESPECT YOUR ELDERS MICH!!!
3. You were wrong when you said I do not like rap. While it is not my favorite type of music and I much prefer rock, I do enjoy the occasional hip hop tune. You were also wrong when you said I can't rap, because clearly I can. I seriously doubt you can come up with a rhyme better than mine. Look, I just made one right there.
4. It doesn't matter what other people say, Michard. There's no denying that my blog is much better than yours. Stop trying to dis me because you just can't.

Yeah...Well...Yeah, that's it, sorry Lee if your down about this, but you'll get over it.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Blog Feud

Big Lee himself

I was going to save this one for my 20th post, but I figured, what the heck, I'll do it now. Me and this guy, "Big Lee" have been going back and forth about who has the better blog. I'm not a guy that likes to brag, but it's not really a question about who has the better blog. I do. By far. Before I start rambling on and on about why I have the better of the two, here are just a couple reasons.
1. According to Liam, people do not die. He thinks that Steve Irwin, Tu-Pac, and Elvis are all still alive. Come on Lee. They have a video of Steve Irwin getting attacked by that stingray, Tu-Pac, dead, no questions asked, and Elvis, even if he faked his death in 1977, he has probably died of old age or something like that.
2. Updating. Liam has not updated his blog for about a month. Every once in a while, I go there to see if he has. Sure enough, that Steve Irwin post is right there, all the time. I am constanly updating, at least once every two to three days.
3. The rap. Good Lord. He had a decent blog before his rap, but this absolutely ruined it. He talks about how ghetto he is, and all that crap, but he's white, doesn't even really like rap, and is the last person I would ever pick to look like he is from the streets.
4. The people. Not one person who has viewed both Big Lee's blog and mine have said that Liam's is better. 100% of them said, "Michard, your blog is way better than Liam's is."

I'm going to stop here with just these couple of reasons, and see if "Big Lee" can at least get some kind of comeback to this.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Little Error

Sorry all....I just today realized that my tenth post was actually my ninth....Believe me, when I found this out I was madder than an old man trying to turn back soup at a deli. I am very sorry for this mistake.
(By the way this is my 17th.)

Rainy Day...

Today was a rainy day in Bow...And that got me thinking, I need something to do. And I thought of ten stupid but good things to do on a rainy day. I'll start with numbero 10 and work my way down to one.

10. Become a Republican! (No just kidding, it's too risky...)

9. Join the club club, they're all over the place.

8. Play guitar, or drums or something.

7. Practice your ping pong skills, (look where it got Forest Gump.)

6. Watch a movie, online or on your TV. (I recommend the Colbert Report for
either one, if you don't have the DVD's....Get them.)

5. The favorite pastime...Watch TV

4. Another big favorite today in America......Eat.

3. Do your favorite sport indoors, (seriously, imagine how much fun doing
javelin indoors would be.)

2. Get a blog. A fun way to waste time.

And the number one thing you should do on a rainy day is.....

1. Get a Fantasy Sports team. These are awesome, and if you already have
one, than get more.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

One thought...

I only really have one thought for today, John Stewart is one of the un-funniest people ever. The Daily Show is not awful, but Stewart is now funny.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Fantasy Football

Alright, I promised fantasy football, and I'll give it to you. Alright, I have one league with my cousins and one league with my friends at school, and another league that me and another group of my friends are going to do pretty soon. I don't know why I can't copy the standings for ESPN or Yahoo!, but I'll tell you that I'm in first place in both of them, winning one of my games (ESPN) by 9 points, and the other (Yahoo!) by 20, yeah, 20. Good way to start both leagues, but I can't say anything yet because my premature bragging in fantasy baseball was backed up by not even making the playoffs...I have a better feeling about these two though.

ESPN Fantast Football trophy on the right

So Many Tributes!

I realize that I've done tons of tributes lately, but I have to do this one. Today, September 12th, is the anniversary of the death of one of the greatest musicians of all time, Johnny Cash. Cash passed away recently (2003,) and had a movie come out about him even more recently. The 2005 movie staring Joaquin Phoenix as Mr. Cash and Reese Witherspoon as June Carter. This movie paid took a look back at Cash's life, through the good and the awful. Which gets me started on another topic. The movie itself...

Alright, I'll make this short and right away, I am going to say this, Walk the Line was the greatest musical video I have ever seen. Phoenix did an awesome job as Cash, and he kind of looked like him. But now Reese Witherspoon. She did an awesome job too, but unfortunately, kind of too good. You listen to Witherspoon and then the real June Carter, and it's like night and day. Carter was so much worse than Reese. June absolutely got blown out of the water by her. I'm not complaining because really, you can't change it. You can't really say to this good, famous actor, "Okay, you need to do a lot worse."

But back to Johnny. This guy might not have been the greatest guitar player ever, but he was a good singer, song writer and musician. My ex-guitar teacher is really into him, but he doesn't even know how many records he came out with. I think he said some ridiculous number like 40-50+. Yeah, kind of a lot if you ask me. So, that's that, just wanted to do another quick tribute...

Monday, September 11, 2006


Penslyvania to the left...The Pentagon Below On a really serious note, today is September 11th. On this day, five years ago, planes crashed into the Twin Towers, Pennslyvania, and the Pentagon as an act of terrorism. Here are some of the clips of the day that changed many Americans lives forever. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Roger Waters

First off, sorry to all of those disapointed that I haven't been posting lately. There was nothing really to post about. I'm gonna make it up by doing a new one about the concert I went to last night. Alright, I went to my second concert in less than three weeks, not that bad. Who did I go and see this time? One of the great voices of one of the greatest bands of all time, Rodger Waters, the singer/bassist/rythmn guitarist of Pink Floyd. Now for this one, I'm going to do the same thing I did with the Allman brothers, describe the place, and then the band.

It was at the Tweeter Center in Massachusets. This place was big...The paking lot was almost as big as Meadowbrook. This thing was ten times bigger than that tiny place. The grass section was good. We (again Alex PV and Kyle Mandro,) got a really good look at the band from where we were sitting. The only kind of odd thing about it was that there was only a couple of patches of grass there, the rest was dirt. Whatever, doesn't really matter.

Now the important thing, the band. I am serious when I say this, I have no complaints at all about it, Tweeter Center or Rodger Waters. He was amazing. Vocals were soild, guitars and drums were too, it was awesome.

The first half of it was good, not great. He did a couple Pink Floyd songs, but nothing really really special. Although, he did do a new song that he made up, and that was pretty good, I kind of liked it. My favorite part about the first half (besides wishing you were here,) was the pig. This was wicked cool. These two guys were carrying a giant inflated pig up and down the aisles. I think it had something to do with George Bush on it's ass which was funny. And, at the end of the song, they let it go and as it was going up, the spotlight was shining on it. Although, niether, me, Alex or Kyle could figure out if it was intentional or not, but Kyle and Alex both agreed that it was going to end up in someone's bushes in their yard, or it was going to get shot at.

Well, another thing that happened during the first half was that Alex made a new friend. It was a drunk guy next to him. This guy literally fell asleep on Alex's shoulder, he was pretty weirded out by this...Then when the guy wakes up he takes out his flashlight and starts searching the ground and starts yelling something like, "Oh dude, where are my drugs?! I dropped my drugs!" The whole thing was pretty funny...

Now for the second half. This picked up the whole concert right away. They did Dark Side of the Moon and it was sweet. They played one of my all-time favorite Pink Floyd songs, Money, which again, was sweet. I forget what song they originaly "ended" with, but they came back out and played Another Brick in the Wall, another song, and offical ended Breath. All-in-all, this was sick. I couldn't have asked for better, and I am going to but the instant CD of this. I'll give it a 9 out of 10.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Tenth Post

This is my tenth post, and I did it in less than ten days. At this rate, I'll have more posts than Big Lee in a month...

Red Sox

Alright! For the first time in around a century the Red Sox won a game! They now have an excellent 9-21 record in August. They were the first team since 1983 to be in first place, but then lose 20+ games in a month. We had a 7 or a 6 1/2 game lead over the Yanks, but we
Good One Coco
blew it. The only great thing that happened this month was that Curt Schilling got his 3000th strikeout. He did it August 31st, against the Oakland Athletics. Yay Curt, boo Red Sox. I am a die hard fan, but to be honest, I doubt we'll make the playoffs this year.