Thursday, September 21, 2006

My take on Blog War One

Liam, this is what I think today. The blog war just keeps getting crazier and crazier. Blog War One? Wow. There were some pretty big scuffles between you and a lot of other people in the past, but I totally agree, this one by far blows them all away. W trying to play peacekeeper, Patty trying to recruit Alex, Chambers trying to plan out a strategy over this whole thing, it's all crazy.

By the way, I don't know if anybody has noticed, but I am the only one that is yet to go negative, besides Patty but he doesn't post.....Well.....At all. Even his teammate made fun of him for this. Again, I post every day or every two days, Patty usually posts every two months. There have been some times where Pat has said he was going to post, but has he yet, nope. All in all, Chambers even has a better blog than he does because he posts pretty regularly. By the way this isn't going negative, it's just making a point.

So, Blog War One is officially underway.

Another interesting comment about this little war, if W does get involved in this thing, then it will be a world war, I don't really know why no one noticed that, but I'm throwing it out there. Honestly, I hope he makes the right move and joins with me and Chambers.


Bobby M said...

Patty's lack of posting is mostly the fault of technical problems. He has a new one up now. Ch-check it out.

Bobby M said...

Your ally is on the verge of surrender. We are currently at a cease fire now.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.