Friday, September 01, 2006

Tenth Post

This is my tenth post, and I did it in less than ten days. At this rate, I'll have more posts than Big Lee in a month...


Bobby M said...

Despite what Alex thinks, my posts are of much higher quality than yours. A post simply saying that this is your tenth post is hardly a good post.

By the way... we have to do fantasy football this year.

Waldo J. Cartridge said...

Nice...I have 45 posts.

Bobby M said...

Yes, Michard. People die, but not Tupac, and not Steve Irwin.

Elvis: Dead
Jim Morrison: Dead
Most other people who are supposed to be dead: DEAD

But there are those people who create the illusion of death for alterior benifits. Even Waldo thinks something is up with this one. The truth is, Michard, There's nothing wrong with me.

Josef D Guttenheimer said...
