Sunday, September 17, 2006

Blog Feud

Big Lee himself

I was going to save this one for my 20th post, but I figured, what the heck, I'll do it now. Me and this guy, "Big Lee" have been going back and forth about who has the better blog. I'm not a guy that likes to brag, but it's not really a question about who has the better blog. I do. By far. Before I start rambling on and on about why I have the better of the two, here are just a couple reasons.
1. According to Liam, people do not die. He thinks that Steve Irwin, Tu-Pac, and Elvis are all still alive. Come on Lee. They have a video of Steve Irwin getting attacked by that stingray, Tu-Pac, dead, no questions asked, and Elvis, even if he faked his death in 1977, he has probably died of old age or something like that.
2. Updating. Liam has not updated his blog for about a month. Every once in a while, I go there to see if he has. Sure enough, that Steve Irwin post is right there, all the time. I am constanly updating, at least once every two to three days.
3. The rap. Good Lord. He had a decent blog before his rap, but this absolutely ruined it. He talks about how ghetto he is, and all that crap, but he's white, doesn't even really like rap, and is the last person I would ever pick to look like he is from the streets.
4. The people. Not one person who has viewed both Big Lee's blog and mine have said that Liam's is better. 100% of them said, "Michard, your blog is way better than Liam's is."

I'm going to stop here with just these couple of reasons, and see if "Big Lee" can at least get some kind of comeback to this.


Bobby M said...


Let me respond to a couple of your points...

1. I never said Elvis was still alive. If you look at my comment, I said Elvis was dead.

2. I may go a little while between posts, but I make sure that the one's I do are top notch. None of this "Little Error" stuff you do. That is not a post. And I have been blogging much longer than you have. I am a Blog Veteran, you are a mere rookie... RESPECT YOUR ELDERS MICH!!!

3. You were wrong when you said I do not like rap. While it is not my favorite type of music and I much prefer rock, I do enjoy the occasional hip hop tune. You were also wrong when you said I can't rap, because clearly I can. I seriously doubt you can come up with a rhyme better than mine. Look, I just made one right there.

4. It doesn't matter what other people say, Michard. There's no denying that my blog is much better than yours. Stop trying to dis me because you just can't.


Josef D Guttenheimer said...

I would also like this time to announce that I am also at war with Big Lee after He:

1. Claims that I said things I never said

2. Claims the USA never landed on the moon.

3. Continually tries to show how he is a good rapper, even though he isn't.

4. Ill figure out later

Waldo J. Cartridge said...

Michard-although I'm more inclined to agree with you, let me say a few words in Big Lee's defense. Somebody should.

1. Big Lee is intitled to his opinion. First Ammendment rights. It's not his opinions that could make his blog bad, he can say anything he wants. Anything about the Da Vinci Code, conspiracy theories, Jon Stewart, etc. Even though I may disagree with Big Lee and support my arguement much more strongly, it doesn't make my opinion better than his. I hope Big Lee is reading this.

2. You Spelled Irwin two different ways.

3. Let's not forget about your first, disasterously unsuccessful blog. Even you have skeletons in your closet.

4. Forget about rapping, I'm much better than either of you 2 anyway.


Don't insult small posts like "Little Error", as it is hypocrisy. Don't forget that's what every single one of yours was like.

Bye from the Middle East!-WJC

Michard said...

Wow, this is the post that started it all...