Thursday, September 21, 2006

Post 25 brings Upsetting News

Well, this one is post 25, the silver anniversary. But this one doesn't bring good news at all. Oh no. Instead it brings even more upsetting news on the blog war. Today, without notice, John G. Chambers decided an agreement to surrender and be done with the blog war. Fortunatley, his request was denied. His terms were apparently too high for Liam, I'm not sure if they were too high for Pat because he did not leave a comment.
I was absolutely blown away by this. Here was the person that was actually stratagizing about this blog war was acctually planning to surrender this early. I was shocked, here's what my comment looked like....

Chambers you fricking idiot! You surrender already?! What the hell? I'm in charge of the Sick Nasty Side and you don't even tell me about this surrender? What Gives?! Dude, at least post a comment or something and let me know about this. We, yes we, I am probably going to start going negative now that I know that there is a chance of surrender, are going to win. Don't give up, that is the last thing I want to happen. Don't wuss out, it just started. Come on Chombers. Pal we're in this thing together, and I've had to stick up for you a lot through this thing, I'm not about to give up and you aren't either. You are tired of getting made fun of...Frankly my dear friend, I Don't Give A Damn. You are staying in this war untill I say otherwise.
Your teammate through thick and thin,
5:15 PM

Yeah, I was pissed/suprised. He later said that he wanted out beacause he was getting made fun of a lot. Well, I'm not exactly happy about this either. Suck it up I say, they are words, they only sting if you let them, they only hurt if you think that they do. Come on, stick it out.
But right after the post about surrendering, he decided to post about Big Lee. He stated two racist jokes about women that Lee allegedly said. I'm not sure if these were really said, but if they were, I am very suprised about Lee. I could say something about Liam right now, but I'll hold my tounge, for now.


Bobby M said...

This doesn't appear to be your 25th post. Four posts down, you said was your 20th. Then you posted 21, skipped 22, and claimed that the next one was 23... you may wanna recount that.

Michard said...

No Lee here is the story. I origionally did a draft of fantasy football and it put it in order of date. Since I started on it a while ago, it put it down there. It's all screwed up, you can't rely on America anymore. Go back and count. Tengo 25 postos.