Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Stating the Facts

God, I have now have had to edit this thing three times. Alright, the gang have been arguing about how had the first post. I, Michard, am here to settle it. We will never really know (for a least a little while) who did the first post. Waldo is claming that he did it before Alex did. He sounded very confident that it was on the 14th, but after reading Pat's blog, he said it could have been on the 14th of March. Well, I could have been right. I origionally said that Alex, the worst blogger out of all of us, had the first post. I think he did. Alex did a post on the 14th, W. says he might have. I think it is Alex. And by the way, Pat claims he had the very first post, but really, he posted on the 28th, two weeks after the first post. Pat you are an idiot. Do not believe anything you hear form Pat because it is either wrong or dumb. There. That's that. Stop arguing please. We are not having another war over something stupid like this.


Waldo J. Cartridge said...
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Waldo J. Cartridge said...

Actually, I claimed to have the first blog, not the first post. But if you want to go down that road, I still win too.

I was originally schedueled on Pacific time. Since then, (as you know if you've been reading my posts) I switched to UAE time. There's at least ten hours difference. A post anytime between 2PM and 12AM on the 14th will now be displayed as the 15th. Get it? I posted before FidelGiamatti.

Bobby M said...

Even with the the time change Waldo definatley didn't post first. Its a stupid thing to be arguing about, but the facts must be known.

Scanman said...

why do you even care, You have nothing to do with this